ヘキサポーン Hexapawn C#
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
enum HexPawnDefs : byte
class HpPoint
public int file { get; set; }
public int rank { get; set; }
public HpPoint()
file = -1;
rank = -1;
public HpPoint(int f, int r)
file = f;
rank = r;
public HpPoint Mirror()
HpPoint mirror = new HpPoint(this.file, this.rank);
if (mirror.file == 0)
mirror.file = 2;
else if (mirror.file == 2)
mirror.file = 0;
return mirror;
public override string ToString()
string s = "";
s += (char)('a' + this.file);
s += (char)('1' + this.rank);
return s;
class HpBoard
protected static int BOARD_SIZE = 3;
protected HexPawnDefs[,] Squares = new HexPawnDefs[BOARD_SIZE, BOARD_SIZE];
public HpBoard()
for (int file = 0; file < BOARD_SIZE; file++)
SetSquare(new HpPoint(file, 2), HexPawnDefs.Black);
SetSquare(new HpPoint(file, 1), HexPawnDefs.Empty);
SetSquare(new HpPoint(file, 0), HexPawnDefs.White);
public static HpPoint[] GetAllPoints()
List<HpPoint> list = new List<HpPoint>();
for (int rank = 0; rank < BOARD_SIZE; rank++)
for (int file = 0; file < BOARD_SIZE; file++)
list.Add(new HpPoint(file, rank));
return list.ToArray();
public HexPawnDefs GetSquare(HpPoint pt)
return GetSquare(pt.file, pt.rank);
public HexPawnDefs GetSquare(int file, int rank)
if (0 <= file && file < BOARD_SIZE
&& 0 <= rank && rank < BOARD_SIZE)
return Squares[file, rank];
return HexPawnDefs.None;
public void SetSquare(HpPoint pt, HexPawnDefs pawn)
SetSquare(pt.file, pt.rank, pawn);
public void SetSquare(int file, int rank, HexPawnDefs pawn)
if (0 <= file && file < BOARD_SIZE
&& 0 <= rank && rank < BOARD_SIZE)
Squares[file, rank] = pawn;
public void Show()
for (int rank = BOARD_SIZE - 1; rank >= 0; rank--)
Console.Write("\n +---+---+---+");
Console.Write("\n " + (rank + 1) + " |");
for (int file = 0; file < BOARD_SIZE; file++)
if (GetSquare(new HpPoint(file, rank)) == HexPawnDefs.Black)
Console.Write(" ○|");
else if (GetSquare(new HpPoint(file, rank)) == HexPawnDefs.White)
Console.Write(" ●|");
else if ((rank % 2) == (file % 2))
Console.Write(" |");
if (rank == 2)
Console.Write(" 7 8 9");
else if (rank == 1)
Console.Write(" 4 5 6");
else if (rank == 0)
Console.Write(" 1 2 3");
Console.Write("\n +---+---+---+");
Console.Write("\n a b c\n");
public bool IsMoveablePawn(HpPoint pt)
int dir;
HexPawnDefs opp;
if (GetSquare(pt) == HexPawnDefs.White)
dir = 1;
opp = HexPawnDefs.Black;
else if (GetSquare(pt) == HexPawnDefs.Black)
dir = -1;
opp = HexPawnDefs.White;
return false;
if (GetSquare(pt.file, pt.rank + dir) == HexPawnDefs.Empty)
return true;
else if (GetSquare(pt.file - 1, pt.rank + dir) == opp)
return true;
else if (GetSquare(pt.file + 1, pt.rank + dir) == opp)
return true;
return false;
public HexPawnDefs CheckFinish(HexPawnDefs next)
for (int file = 0; file < BOARD_SIZE; file++)
if (GetSquare(file, BOARD_SIZE - 1) == HexPawnDefs.White)
return HexPawnDefs.White;
else if (GetSquare(file, 0) == HexPawnDefs.Black)
return HexPawnDefs.Black;
HpPoint[] all = HpBoard.GetAllPoints();
int cntWhite = 0;
int cntBlack = 0;
foreach( HpPoint pt in all )
if (IsMoveablePawn(pt))
if (HexPawnDefs.White == GetSquare(pt))
else if (HexPawnDefs.Black == GetSquare(pt))
if (next == HexPawnDefs.White && cntWhite == 0)
return HexPawnDefs.Black;
else if (next == HexPawnDefs.Black && cntBlack == 0)
return HexPawnDefs.White;
return HexPawnDefs.Empty;
class HpBoardMove : HpBoard
protected HpPoint From = null;
protected HpPoint To = null;
public HpBoardMove()
public HpBoardMove(HpBoardMove bdmove)
HpPoint[] all = HpBoard.GetAllPoints();
foreach (HpPoint pt in all)
SetSquare(pt, bdmove.GetSquare(pt));
From = bdmove.From;
To = bdmove.To;
public void SetMove(HpPoint from, HpPoint to)
From = from;
To = to;
public bool IsValidMove()
int df = To.file - From.file;
int dr = To.rank - From.rank;
if (GetSquare(From) == HexPawnDefs.White)
if (GetSquare(To) == HexPawnDefs.Empty && df == 0 && dr == 1)
return true;
else if (GetSquare(To) == HexPawnDefs.Black && (df == 1 || df == -1) && dr == 1)
return true;
else if (GetSquare(From) == HexPawnDefs.Black)
if (GetSquare(To) == HexPawnDefs.Empty && df == 0 && dr == -1)
return true;
else if (GetSquare(To) == HexPawnDefs.White && (df == 1 || df == -1) && dr == -1)
return true;
return false;
public bool TestEqual(HpBoardMove bdmove)
HpPoint[] all = HpBoard.GetAllPoints();
foreach (HpPoint pt in all)
if (this.GetSquare(pt) != bdmove.GetSquare(pt))
return false;
if (this.From.file != bdmove.From.file || this.From.rank != bdmove.From.rank
|| this.To.file != bdmove.To.file || this.To.rank != bdmove.To.rank)
return false;
return true;
public void MovePawn()
SetSquare(To, GetSquare(From));
SetSquare(From, HexPawnDefs.Empty);
public HpBoardMove MakeMirror()
HpBoardMove mirror = new HpBoardMove();
mirror.SetMove(From.Mirror(), To.Mirror());
HpPoint[] all = HpBoard.GetAllPoints();
foreach (HpPoint pt in all)
mirror.SetSquare(pt, GetSquare(pt.Mirror()));
return mirror;
class Game
private List<HpBoardMove> DefeatList = new List<HpBoardMove>();
private Random RandObj = new Random();
private HexPawnDefs PlayerColor = HexPawnDefs.White;
private HexPawnDefs MatchBoxColor = HexPawnDefs.Black;
public bool ExistDefeatList(HpBoardMove bdmove)
HpBoardMove mirror = bdmove.MakeMirror();
foreach (HpBoardMove defeat in DefeatList)
if (defeat.TestEqual(bdmove))
return true;
if (defeat.TestEqual(mirror))
return true;
return false;
public bool MatchBoxTurn(HpBoardMove bdmove)
HpPoint[] allsq = HpBoard.GetAllPoints();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
int p = RandObj.Next(allsq.Length);
int q = RandObj.Next(allsq.Length);
if (p != q)
HpPoint t = allsq[p];
allsq[p] = allsq[q];
allsq[q] = t;
foreach (HpPoint from in allsq)
if (bdmove.GetSquare(from) != MatchBoxColor)
foreach (HpPoint to in allsq)
bdmove.SetMove(from, to);
if (bdmove.IsValidMove() && !ExistDefeatList(bdmove))
Console.Write("\nマッチ箱: " + from.ToString() + " を " + to.ToString() + " へ");
return true;
return false;
HpPoint InputSquarePoint(string strGuide)
for (; ; )
ConsoleKeyInfo kinfo = Console.ReadKey();
switch (kinfo.KeyChar)
case '7':
return new HpPoint(0, 2);
case '8':
return new HpPoint(1, 2);
case '9':
return new HpPoint(2, 2);
case '4':
return new HpPoint(0, 1);
case '5':
return new HpPoint(1, 1);
case '6':
return new HpPoint(2, 1);
case '1':
return new HpPoint(0, 0);
case '2':
return new HpPoint(1, 0);
case '3':
return new HpPoint(2, 0);
public void PlayerTurn(HpBoardMove bdmove)
HpPoint from, to;
for (; ; )
from = InputSquarePoint("\n駒を選んでください(1~9):");
if (PlayerColor == bdmove.GetSquare(from) && bdmove.IsMoveablePawn(from))
for (; ; )
to = InputSquarePoint("\nどこに動かしますか?(1~9):");
bdmove.SetMove(from, to);
if (bdmove.IsValidMove())
public void Play()
HpBoardMove board = new HpBoardMove();
HpBoardMove lastMatchBoxMove = null;
HexPawnDefs winner = HexPawnDefs.None;
HexPawnDefs turn = HexPawnDefs.White;
while (winner != HexPawnDefs.White && winner != HexPawnDefs.Black)
if (turn == PlayerColor)
if (MatchBoxTurn(board))
lastMatchBoxMove = new HpBoardMove(board);
winner = PlayerColor;
if (turn == HexPawnDefs.Black)
turn = HexPawnDefs.White;
turn = HexPawnDefs.Black;
winner = board.CheckFinish(turn);
if (winner == HexPawnDefs.White)
else if (winner == HexPawnDefs.Black)
if (winner != MatchBoxColor && lastMatchBoxMove != null)
class HexPawn
static void Main(string[] args)
ConsoleKeyInfo reply;
Game game = new Game();
reply = Console.ReadKey();
} while (reply.Key != ConsoleKey.Q);